Artist Statement
I dance because it gives me a feeling like no other. Dance is hard. It is physical, yet thought-provoking and creative. It is limitless. It challenges me in so many dimensions and will never stop. Any stress, ideas, or worries in my life go away when I move, and I can feel the movement in my body give me a purpose. It gives me a sense of relief, a meaning, and way of releasing any tension I have inside of me. I feel the most myself when I am moving through space. One of the reasons I dance is because of music. Making my body move to reflect rhythms is satisfying, as I can embody the feeling and tone the music has. Through dance I can communicate in a way that words cannot, and I am constantly being inspired by music, sounds, humans, and movement that is in the environment around me.
I hope to inspire others and give them a creative outlet such as dance as well. I believe that every human can benefit from dance, no matter to what extent that is. It gives people joy, a sense of community, physical fitness, mindfulness, and space for creativity. I hope people can see that when I perform, and when I am teaching as well.